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The Tempest Book 1


About the Book


It is a tumultuous time for the magical and mysterious lands of Seventh Realm. There are whispers of defeated enemies that have not been heard of in more than a thousand years. The faraway cries of dragons and grumbling of giants echo across distant lands. All the while, a great darkness moves across the earth like a plague, slowly choking out all life. 


A silent war is about to begin across the realm. It is a war that, if left unchecked, could collapse what tenuous peace that is left between each of the races. This would tear Seventh Realm asunder and propel it into a Tide of Seasons that will never end. A reluctant, reclusive warrior stirs among this change as he journeys to find his destiny. 



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The Tempest Book 2


About the Book


"The magical lands of Seventh Realm prepare for war. With the fall of a sacred city, a new king rises from the ashes and will stop at nothing to exact vengeance on those who destroyed his home. 

In the meantime, the reluctant Prince Locke struggles to pick up the pieces of his shattered life, eager to find peace despite the coming battle. Blinded by his chaotic use of magic he had not yet mastered, Locke fights for purpose in a world he can no longer see. In the midst of his loss of sight, he still hopes to save the woman he loves who is a world away. 

Meanwhile, Aaradin tries desperately to repair the damage done to an alliance almost a thousand years old. In his quest to uncover secrets his mentor took to the grave, Aaradin discovers a truth that will propel all of Seventh Realminto a Tide of War that will not stop until all life is extinguished. Can the broken Locke and ambitious Aaradin put their differences aside to save the world, or will the new king destroy the land they both love and erase all hope?



You can purchase the book HERE.

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